October 1, 2018
Hello to all members, visitors, and curious on lookers of this page of Friendship United Methodist Church. As the pastor I intend to write weekly columns about life at Friendship UMC, the United Methodist Church, and life in general.
Today moves us closer to Christmas. That’s right, there is only 85 days left. Are you ready? Well, in anticipation of that wonderful day, Friendship Church has some activities that build up the anticipation for Christmas.
This Sunday, October 7th, is World Wide Communion Sunday. A day to remember and celebrate with all Christians around the world in the sharing of the Bread and the Cup – the Body and the Blood of Jesus Christ.
I love Holy Communion. It means so much to me. It reminds me of how Jesus Christ died for me and the whole world taking upon Himself my sin and the world’s sin. What an act of love! Every time I participate in this meal I strive to empty myself of my concerns for the things of the world and allow Christ to fill me with power, healing, and a new willingness to continue working in this world for the Kingdom. The Service of Communion is my coach’s inspirational talk that inspires me to continue to fight the good fight even when I’m dragging along.
Do not forget that Friendship Church is striving to grow in numbers, spirit, and in service to the world. This week we will share in the Holy Meal of Remembrance. We have two worship possibilities on Sunday morning, at 8:30 and then at 11 with Sunday School for all ages in between. Hope you can come and be blessed with other friends at Friendship.
Until next time, God Bless You!
Rev. Tom Young, Jr.
Archived Epistles