
Burials/Plot Information

Contact Karen Boyd at 202-253-7891 or karen.d.boyd@verizon.com.

If a family member passes away, please contact Karen Boyd as soon as possible, so that we have time to mark the plot for the Funeral Home/Gravediggers prior to interment.

Here is a list of gravediggers that have been used before (no recommendation implied)

  • Donnie – 443-684-8084
  • Ed Phipps – 443-968-1100
  • John Hoseapple – 443-532-5415

Though all plots are sold, occasionally owners are willing to sell plots. Please
check back here for any notices.

Cemetery Supper
The church holds a Ham and Oyster supper in early fall to raise funds for maintenance of the cemetery. Check back here for more information.

Historical Fun Facts

  • The Board of Trustees purchased one acre of land from George D. Lyles in 1850 to be used as a cemetery. The land was plotted in 1879.
  • A second section, just over an acre, was purchased in 1860 from Edward L. Griffith.
  • First burial: Ann Janetta Sutton 1847 (according to “The Story of the Methodists in
  • Friendship” by Gladys M. Lassiter)
  • Oldest Grave Marker: 1837 (192 burials prior to 1900)
  • Number of Burials: 1,447
  • Veterans: 180 (including 3 Confederate soldiers)

    Sunday Worship Schedule

    In-Person Service 8:30 - 9:30am
    Sunday School 9:45 - 10:45am
    In-Person Service 11:00am - 12:00pm