Safe Sanctuary Training & Compliance

Every adult age 18 and older must be Safe Sanctuary compliant before working or volunteering with the children and youth of Friendship United Methodist Church.  It is the responsibility of program leaders to ensure volunteers and employees are compliant before serving, however all volunteers and employees are encouraged to contact a member of the Safe Sanctuary Team (Pastor Tom Young, Pam Howe, Tiffany Miller, Mike Walls, or Eileen Klase) to verify their Safe Sanctuary status. Safe Sanctuary compliance is valid for one year and expires on September 1 of every year.

Why Safe Sanctuary?

In 2008, at its Annual Conference, the Baltimore Washington Conference of the United Methodist church asked every member church to develop policies and procedures to reduce the risk of child sexual abuse in its ministries and facilities.

It’s an uncomfortable topic that no one likes to think about.  Unfortunately, sexual predators often target churches because other child-friendly organizations like scouts, youth athletics, and schools have already implemented policies to screen out potential abusers. The biggest hurdle to overcome in a church setting is the mentality that “It can’t happen here because we’re a family.” Sadly, it can happen.

Friendship takes seriously the call to keep our children safe from harm.  In 2008 under the leadership of Greg Montgomery, a Safe Sanctuary Team was organized and after researching the issues, a policy was drafted.  The policy, which is periodically reviewed and updated, is designed to help us keep our children safe from sexual, physical and verbal abuse.  All volunteers and staff that work with children must submit to background checks and adhere to the standards set forth in the policy.

Steps to becoming Safe Sanctuary Compliant:

1)  Review and become familiar with the FUMC Safe Sanctuary Policy
2)  Complete the Background Information Form
3)  Complete the Laity Sexual Misconduct Form
4)  Watch the Safe Sanctuary Training Video (below)
5)  Complete the Safe Sanctuary Training Quiz
6)  Complete the Private Vehicle Use Form (if driving)

Turn all paperwork in to Pam Howe and allow 1-2 weeks for processing.

Steps to renew Safe Sanctuary Compliance:

1)  Complete a new Laity Sexual Misconduct Form Every Year (required)
2)  Complete an updated Private Vehicle Form Every Year (if driving)
3)  Complete a new Background Information Form Every 3 years
4)  Re-watch the Safe Sanctuary Training Video (below) Every 3 years
5)  Re-take the Safe Sanctuary Training Quiz Every 3 years

Turn all paperwork in to Pam Howe and allow 1-2 weeks for processing.

Safe Sanctuary Forms & Documents

Safe Sanctuary Training Video


Sunday Worship Schedule

In-Person Service 8:30 - 9:30am
Sunday School 9:45 - 10:45am
In-Person Service 11:00am - 12:00pm